Sahyadri Bird Wing

Troides minos (1779 Cramer) ഗരുഡശലഭം
Sahyadri Birdwing

         Malayalam Name          :       ഗരുഡശലഭം
        Family                            :        Papilionidae
        Sub Family                    :        Papilioninae
        Tribe                              :         Troidini
        Order                             :         Lepidoptera   ( Butterflies and Moths)

                          It is restricted to southern India and is very common in many areas of 
Southern and Central Western Ghats.

                          It is common in the Monsoon and post-Monsoon months but uncommon in summer.

                           It inhabits diverse habitats from law land, evergreen forests near
 the coast to mixed deciduous forests, dry scrub and agricultural fields.


         It is usually flies very high among or above tree-tops in the forest but some times descends to the ground. Even while flying in the canopy it  attracts attention because of its extremely large size, the wingspan being larger than those of some small birds, hence the name 'Birdwing'. The only food source of this butterfly is flower nectar.  It keeps fluttering its wings while feeding but closes them over its back when it rests. Fly long distance . The Birdwing starts flying very early in the morning . Its black scales are very efficient in capturing heat. Wing span is 140-190 mm.


          The upper surface of the fore wing is deep black with white bordered black veins. Upper hind wings golden yellow with black veins.  The female is similar to the mail but less shiny and has a raw of large triangular black spots on the yellow area of the hind wings. In both the sexes the underside are similar to the upper side.


          Ariatolochia indica,  Ariatolochia tagala, Thottea siliquosa.


          The female lays spherical eggs singly on the edges of the under side of young leaves and shoots. The little caterpillar lives on the under side of the leaves but it has grows fatter and longer it rests on the under side of the stalks and stem. The caterpillar is velvety maroon-red and a shiny black head. The pupa is pale brown or green marked with fine brown striations and minute markings. The length of  caterpillar is 90mm and  length of pupa is 50 mm.

Photo Baiju K

Photo Baiju K
      First instar larva  Photo Baiju K
   Photo Baiju K
 Final Instar Larva   Photo Baiju K

Photo Baiju K


Sahyadri Birdwing
  Sahyadri Birdwing -Female -  Photo: Anila Manali
Sahyadri Birdwing
                         Sahyadri Birdwing -Female - Side view - Photographer: Anila Manalil
Sahyadri  Bird Wing

Sahyadri Birdwing

         Sahyadri Birdwing - Nectaring - Female - Posterior view - Photographer: Anila                      Manalil

Sahyadri birdwing
Sahyadri Birdwing  - Male - Side view - Photographer: Anila Manalil

Write up:Wikipaedia
Images: TNHS

കേരള വനം വന്യജീവി വകുപ്പ്  
മാങ്കുളം ഡിവിഷൻ


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