Pale Blue Pansy

Junonia orithya ocyale Butler, 1885 നീല ചുട്ടി Malayalam Name : നീല ചുട്ടി Order : Lepidoptera Super Family : Papilionoidae (Butterflies) Family : Nympalidae Sub Family : Limetidinae DIST RIBUTION : Species found in Afroca. South Asia and South East Asia and Australia. STATUS: State Butterfly of Jammu& Kasmir HABITAT e HABITS The adults occur in open areas, often sitting on bare ground. This species has a stiff flap and glide style of flight and maintains a territory, driving away other butterflies that enter it IDENTIFICATION FEATURES SIMILAR SPECIES LARVAL HOST PLANTS LIFE CYCLE Acanthus spp., Barleria spp., B. mysorensis, Hygrophila auriculata, Justicia micrantha, J. neesii, J. procumbens, Lepidagathis keralensis, Nelsonia canescens, Ruellia tuberosa (Acanthaceae), Ipomoea batatas (Convolvul...